The 6th Connecticut Regiment

Muster Roll -
6th Connecticut Reg't, Connecticut Line
1777 - 1781
Field Officers and Staff
FORMATION OF 1777-1781
Regiment raised for “Continental Line” of 1777 to continue through the War. Recruited mainly in New Haven Co.; rendezvous at New Haven. Went into camp at New Haven. Went into camp at Peekskill in the summer of 1777, but frequently detached on expeditions or outpost duty on the lines above Kings Bridge. Served in August – October on the Hudson, in Parsons’ Brigade, under Putnam, and engaged in all movements made in consequence of enemy’s move against Fort Montgomery, etc. Wintered in 1777-1778 at West Point, and assisted in constructing permanent fortifications, “Meigs Redoubt,” etc.; also redoubts opposite on the east side. In summer of 1778 encamped with the main army, under Washington at White Plains. Wintered in 1778-1779 at Redding, In operations of 1779 served with the Conn. Division on the east side of the Hudson in Heath’s wing; it’s Light Co., under Capt. Champion, detached to Meigs Light Regt. and engaged in the storming of Stony Point July 15, 1779. Wintered in 1779-1780 at Morristown huts (Jockey Hollow), New Jersey, and in movements of 1780 served with the Divison on both sides of the Hudson. On discovery of Arnold's treason, Meigs Regiment was ordered, with other troops, to repair forthwith to West Point, in anticipation of the advance of the enemy. Wintered 1780-1781 at camp “Connecticut Village,” near the Robinson House, opposite West Point.